Poppy Wiki

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Poppy Wiki
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Norris Goldworthy is a character in Genesis 1.


Goldworthy is a member of the Church of Poppy and is friends with its leader, Rami Colbert. He is the first member of the Church that Mariah Spears meets. When Spears interrogates him, it is revealed that he likes anime. Later in the novel, Goldworthy sends Colbert to a different Church of Poppy, who offer him temporary sanctuary from the government. However, this Church soon commits suicide in Poppy's name, and Colbert flees.

Main Characters: PoppyCharlottePlantSkeletonTitanic SinclairThem

Secondary Characters: Bodysuit DancersBunnyChild QuinComputer BoyDevilThe Icky BabiesInterviewerPiRinRin DollRaccoonSecurity GuardSkullWiggyXieZo

Graphic Novel Characters: AmonCerberusCharlotte HamptonCompboi198EligosImpresarioJournalistLamashthLuciferMackenzie MireMariah SpearsNorris GoldworthyPiPoppyPoppy's LabelRami ColbertSkeleton