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Poppy Wiki
This article has been completed and locked to avoid vandalism/unwanted edits.
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This article mentions a phone number that is no longer in use by Poppy or her team. Please do not contact this phone number in any way.

Poppy.Church was an online virtual world created by Poppy. The website was created in May 2017[1], though it did not gain mass attention until February 2018. The website was closed on December 10th, 2019 due to mismanagement by the website's team.[2]


Initially, the website allowed one to type in their name and phone number to make a reservation. They would then be sent a link via text message from the number (831)-777-6779, which read "Please click this link to confirm your POPPY.CHURCH reservation." The website later displayed a black pyramid rotating in the center of the screen. If one clicked the door icon on the bottom right before the "620" update, they would be taken to a screen where they could log in via e-mail, only if they had an account. As of the "620" update, one was able to sign up by clicking "Apply for membership at the church", and if one tried to log in, they would need to receive an email by clicking "Log in to Poppy.Church" and click the link through the email. This was always required; if one entered just their login key, they would see a splash screen that read "No trespassing. You are being redirected back to an authorized area."

The church opened on August 8th, 2018 containing new features such as The Lobby, the Gallery, and the Theater.

Rooms were distributed to users on August 23rd, 2018.


On December 10th, 2019, after two years of service, Poppy.Church was shut down due to mismanagement by the Poppy.Church team. The following message was posted on the website's homepage:

"Poppy.Church is now closed. After almost 2 years, over 60,000 members, and millions of messages shared and prayers prayed, Poppy.Church has come to a close. Although the Church is now offline, the Church team is allowing users to ascend one final time and export data related to their journey (including avatars, rooms, wall posts, journals, and more), as well as access all Silver Seed and Gift Shop related order information and instructions for fulfillment or refunds. Poppy and her team thank the Church team for creating a vibrant, unique, and innovative experience for her fans, combining storytelling with community and a forward-thinking business model. The Church team thanks Poppy for being the first artist to use their experimental storytelling and fan platform, and for working with them on creating something daring and new that allowed her artistry to extend into new forms on the internet. Together we'd like to thank the community for participating, promoting, and supporting our efforts in creating a new kind of home for fandoms with the Church."

Below the message, the website offers a user's "final ascension" by entering one's email address. The final ascension included a user ascending for one last time, recapping all of their experiences. It was offered in the goodbye message to join a website called "Chowder City", another website run by the church's team.

Phone Calls

If one chose to call the number (831)-777-6779, they would receive a prerecorded message. Five different messages were used for the number beginning in April 2018.

Call #1

In April 2018, one would receive a message from Poppy herself, which said "Hi, it's me, Poppy! Are you ready for salvation? Poppy.Church is coming, are you ready? Hello?".

Call #2

In May 2018, one would hear Poppy saying "Are you ready to be saved? Are you ready for salvation?", followed by a distorted voice saying "3:36".

Call #3

In early June 2018, one would hear a distorted conversation between a male voice and a female voice, followed by Poppy saying "Are you ready to be saved?". These voices are speculated by fans to be Titanic Sinclair and Mars Argo.

Call #4

In late June 2018, one would hear distorted static as well as Poppy saying "hello?" once.

Call #5

As of July 2018, one would hear distorted voices along with echoing tones that became overlapped with a sound similar to an electrocardiogram's beeping. This sped up as the call went on, eventually being overlapped with owl hooting sounds, static and loud knocking. This version of the call was the longest, being four minutes long in contrast to the previous calls being only 19 seconds long.


Prior to the "620" update, "blessings" would be sent out to the people who signed up via text message or email every 3:36 PST. When one received their confirmation text/email, it would take them to a part of Poppy.Church. They would first see a video of Poppy titled "A Message To You From Poppy" regarding how the church works. Once the video ended, they were taken to a screen where they design a character. After designing a character, one would have to fill out a "pop quiz" consisting of various questions towards Poppy to themselves and the church. Afterwards, they had to draw their name in "blood" on a white rectangle and submit it. One would later be taken to "The Hole", or an application room review. If accepted into the church, they would be invited to create a room on Floor #1 and some who are deemed "Guardians" received VIP rooms on Floor #1. If a member was in the hole, they would later ascend from the hole given time. Faith, dedication, loyalty and the website's logo (what this stood for is currently unknown) were measured on one's report based on one's responses. It is unknown how the meters increased, however, it is speculated that it was based on one's social media. On August 8th, 2018, at approximately 3:36 PST, the button that allowed one to sign up for Poppy.Church was removed.

The Hole


An example of the splash screen message one would receive.

There was a chance one would be in The Hole after creating a Poppy.Church profile and selecting self destruct. If one chose to self destruct, they would be transported into The Hole. If one ended up in The Hole, they would first be taken to a black splash screen with the message "You are stuck in The Hole for now. There are [number of people] others with you." Later after one exited the splash screen, they would discover they were in a black room with others, being dimly lit by a realistic candle, and could not move. After a certain amount of time, one would "ascend" while their avatar emitted a red beam of light and went to the application room. However, there was a timer of 776 seconds and if someone clicked on the candle, the timer would reset. If the timer reached 0 and one managed to relight the candle, they would ascend as long as no other users re-lit the candle at the same time.


The updated hole.

Before the Hole returned, They stated that the Hole would return soon. Later that day, a user by the name of "Hole" created a petition to have the Hole in her room. Upon reaching her goal, They and Them stated that the Hole would return in her room. The Hole made a return on October 17th, 2018 being in room number 6660, the room of the user Hole. One could enter the hole via a portal-like hole in the room. It was roughly the same, but updated. The room now had a light in the background coming from the candle, fading into black. There were two new buttons, the pray button and the extinguish button. The pray button was only clickable. The extinguish button extinguished the candle's flame, and only appeared on one's screen when the candle was lit. If one repeatedly pressed the pray button, they would be able to access the chat in the Hole.

Poppy referenced The Hole in her now-unlisted livestream "Poppy Plays Fortnite Again". A YouTube user by the name of "Hole" donated $10 to appear in the Super Chat, to which Poppy responded "Hole, like the Church?". This user also made a petition to have The Hole return in Poppy's room.


The "Silver Seed" membership was a paid membership for users on Poppy.Church. If one decided to purchase the membership, it would come at a price of $3.36 per month. With the membership, a user would receive early access to new videos, tour dates and tickets, exclusive photos, writing and more. The users with the membership would have exclusive access to special rooms such as Floor #2 and The Gift Shop, exclusive furniture and decor for their room, a special badge for the chats and forums, and 100 free Popcoins monthly.


Screenshot (4)

The Atrium was a chatroom in Poppy.Church outside of the church. One was free to visit and to chat with another member in the chat box. Every so often, Poppy herself would come into The Atrium. A character called "Them", who was originally thought to be They, had also been in the chat, being portrayed as an 8-bit white-cloaked figure with a necklace that contains a yellow diamond. Every 3:36 PST, Them allegedly put a praying emoji to symbolize praying to Poppy. The ones who had been deemed guardians had their own chat similar to the Atrium called the "Guardian Tower". Them and They were later confirmed not to be the same people, and They was later portrayed as an 8-bit pink-cloaked figure. After joining, new members had to wait 24 hours before being able to access The Atrium.


Rooms had been a planned feature since April 2018, and on August 23rd, 2018, they were distributed to users. When one received an invite, it read "Congratulations! You've been accepted to create a room at the Church. You can begin your reservation process at https://poppy.church/room/reserve. Rooms are numbered from #1 - #100,000 and spread across 1,000 hallways. Once you choose your room number, you won't be able to change it, so choose carefully!". By default, a room contained a small window and outlet. The color of the window and the surrounding background depended on the hallway one's room was in. Users could customize their rooms with beds, desks, chairs, computers and plants. If one made a mistake, they could clear the room.

Users could visit other rooms and post a message on the owner's message wall. The owner had a choice of either accepting or declining the messages.

Poppy, They, Them and Titanic Sinclair's Rooms

Poppy's room was Room 10111, They's room was Room 666, Them's room was Room 12 and Titanic Sinclair's room was Room 47777.


The Lobby

The Lobby was another chatroom in Poppy.Church. It was similar to The Atrium, but had been blue with a white and blue checkered background. Below the chatbox, there was a bulletin board that contained upcoming events for the church.

The Bulletin Board

An example of the Bulletin Board.

The Gallery

The Gallery was a location in Poppy.Church where one could submit their fan art to the church. New showings started at 8 PM EST each Wednesday.

The Theater

The Theater was a location in Poppy.Church. It was a stream of Poppy's YouTube videos on her Twitch channel. Each stream began at 4:15 PST once a week. There was also a chatbox in the Theater similar to the Atrium's and the Lobby's. A test screening was held on August 12th, 2018. As of August 28th, 2018, the screen showed the praying emoji.

Floor #2

Floor #2 was a location in Poppy.Church exclusive to Silver Seeds. It acted similar to Floor #1's Lobby, consisting of a chatroom and directory information for all the rooms on the floor.

The Gift Shop

The Gift Shop was a location in Poppy.Church. It served as an online store for in-app purchases with the site's virtual currency, "Popcoins".

Users could purchase the following items with Popcoins:

  • A Room Party - 100 Popcoins
  • Gifting Silver Seed status - 336 Popcoins
  • Beepers - 500 Popcoins
  • A Tent Party - 1,000 Popcoins
  • A Wall Post from Poppy - 2,000 Popcoins
  • A call from Poppy - 10,000 Popcoins
  • A custom Poppy video - 100,000 Popcoins
  • A custom Poppy song - 500,000 Popcoins

The Library

The Library was a location in Poppy.Church. A user was able to browse videos, music, Poppy's journal and books by Poppy. It served as a constantly-updated stream of Poppy media.

The Forum

The Forum was a discussion board in Poppy.Church. Users were able to discuss topics related to videos, music, the Church itself or any topic in relation to Poppy.

The Chapel

The Chapel was a location in Poppy.Church. The Chapel doors remained closed for the majority of users. The doors would have opened quicker for those who had a membership, had Popcoins, and participated frequently in the Church. Progress toward opening the doors was updated every Sunday. However, the Chapel never opened.

The Basement


An example of a curse.

The Basement (also known as Room #27720) was a location in Poppy.Church. If one entered the Basement, they became cursed. The longer a user stayed in the basement, the more cursed they would become. When a user had been cursed, the Poppy.Church site would appear distorted to them. The curse would be lifted after 12 hours.

The Backpack

Them confirmed that "things for your backpack can be obtained around the Church or from others. For example, you may find a gift tomorrow from Them in your backpacks. There is also a shipment of things arriving later today which They may leave around the Church".


The decoder.


The receiver.

Strange Devices

A "Strange Device" was placed in user's backpacks on July 9th, 2018 at 3:36 PST. The device contained a string of emojis and had no known purpose. If one tried to code in the strange device but entered the code incorrectly, it would make the church flash red. There were two strange devices: a receiver and a decoder.



An example of a journal one could receive.

Journals were given to users on July 16th, 2018. They were available in red, green and blue and one was able to write in them.


If one entered "poppy.church/whispers" on a PC web browser into the URL bar, they would see a line of text that changed periodically. This feature was unavailable for around a year before being reintroduced in June 2019.

The Hand

At one point, if one did not sign up for Poppy.Church, a hand beckoned one on the bottom left corner once every 336 seconds. Once it was clicked, one was able to sign up for an account by entering a username, email, and phone number. This feature was removed.

The Calendar

The Calendar's purpose was relatively unknown. It was speculated by fans that it could have dates listed for important Poppy events such as release dates and tour dates. This feature was removed.

Self Destructing

If one chose to self-destruct on Poppy.Church, they would be transported to The Hole. If one decided to make this choice after they had ascended from The Hole, they would either have a consequence (e.g. lower faith, dedication, loyalty) or a reward (e.g. higher faith, dedication, loyalty). This feature was removed as of the "620" update.

The Mailbox

The Mailbox was a temporary feature initially intended for sending users items, but only acted as a way for the Church to gift users items they could not obtain due to not attending the item's event.



  • In an interview with Gigwise, Poppy stated that the founding principles of Poppy.Church were "creative thinking, critical thinking, positivity, happiness, and making the world cute".[3]
    • Similarly, Poppy stated in a 2018 interview with the Zach Sang Show that her goal for the church was to "bring happiness and to make the world happy and cute".[4]
  • According to fans, during shows on the second leg of the Poppy.Computer Tour, they were handed cards with "Poppy.Church" written on them.[5]
  • Poppy called several fans in April 2018 asking if they were ready for Poppy.Church.[6][7]
  • On June 26th, 2018, Poppy.Church had a lockdown.
    • When Them was asked upon if the church lockdowns were trying to get someone in/out, Them had replied with "The Church lockdown is not related to an attempted escape or entrance. It is a dead man's switch."
  • People who had the site open on July 6th, 2018 at 9:36 PM PST were redirected to the "Metal" audio on YouTube when it was uploaded.
    • 9:36 PM PST was also the "blessings" time, which is when They gave out points.
  • The words "Moriah Pereira", "Corey Mixter", "lawsuit", "lawyer", "Mars Argo", "Hitler", "allegations", "Brittany/Britney Sheets" and inappropriate words or slurs were words that were completely prohibited in the Atrium and corresponding chatrooms.
  • Members had claimed that they had found secret rooms, sparking major backlash after the opening of the church. Many guardians stated that they were upset with this, but it reverted back to normal as of August 27th, 2018.
  • Poppy mentioned and promoted the church in her now-unlisted livestream "Poppy Plays Fortnite Again". She told the viewers to come visit her at church and that the church was going to be accepting applications soon. She then described it as "a club, or maybe it's a cult, but not really".
    • The church would later be promoted in the video "Join My Church", which marked the first time the church was explicitly mentioned in a main Poppy video.

